Kamala Harris, Linsey Davis Sorority Sisters Anger GOP

MAGA America can't handle an accomplished Black woman like Kamala Harris dominating a debate against their candidate.
Kamala Harris, Linsey Davis Sorority Sisters Anger GOP

(NewsOne) —

A detailed view of an Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority pin during the final day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) at the United Center on August 22, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois. | Source: Andrew Harnik / Getty

MAGA America just can’t seem to fathom an accomplished Black woman dog-walking (pun intended) their fake pet-avenging MAGA messiah during a debate she was clearly well-prepared for, unlike her opponent.

Supporters of Donald Trump whose insecurities transparently ooze out of them every time a competent Black woman with a resume they could never hope to achieve comes into prominence — have already tried to discredit Vice President Kamala Harris’ debate domination by baselessly claiming her earrings were actually earpieces that she was being coached through. The woman is a former district attorney, former attorney general and former U.S. senator who has wiped the floor with Republican white men during nationally televised Senate hearings — but, please, tell us more about how Harris couldn’t have possibly handled the guy who argued she “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison.”

MORE: Kamala Harris Is Every Overqualified Black Woman Who Has Had To Confront White Mediocrity

Anyway, now that the desperate lie about Harris earrings has fallen flat — just as the misogynistic narrative that she, an elected official, “slept her way to the top” did — the MAGAts are reaching even further by crying foul because one of the debate’s moderators, Linsey Davis, happened to pledge the same sorority as Harris.

This absurd excuse for why Trump got handed his own rust-tinted hind parts during the most important debate of his campaign isn’t worth taking the time to argue against — but we’re here now, so whatever.

The Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority has more than 360,000 initiated members spread across more than a thousand chapters and a dozen different countries. Kamala Harris and Linsey Davis went to two different colleges (Howard University and the University of Virginia respectively) in two different states and graduated nearly a decade and a half apart from each other. AKAs are not Illuminati members with secret handshakes, decoder rings and bookcases with hidden passages.

Also, I’m just going to say it this is racism.

This is the same white tears-ridden energy Megyn Kelly came with when she went off a some whiney “all colleges matter” Xitter rant over Sen. Laphonza Butler‘s DNC speech, which she began by noting that she and Harris “both graduated from historically Black colleges.”

These people aren’t ignorant of the fact that millions of people have pledged the same sororities and fraternities. They know that white men in politics of various ages can pledge the same frat and it wouldn’t even register as a fact of note let alone a conflict of interest, just as it doesn’t when all of the good ol’ boys in GOP politics are fellow alums from the same handful of prestigious ivy league schools. MAGA Republicans are trying to stretch Davis and Harris being sorority sisters into a controversy because they know they can trust their fellow MAGAts to read something this mundane as a Black power political coup.

And, again, maybe Harris did a better job during the debate because she was just better.

Trump supporters have been running with the narrative that the ABC News moderators were biased because they fact-checked Trump in real-time, unlike Harris. In reality, Trump told dozens of verifiable lies on that debate stage, only a small handful of which were fact-checked on the spot, and only because the claims Trump was making were so outrageous no self-respecting journalist could let it slide. To be sure, Harris said things during the debate that weren’t true as well, but she didn’t claim babies were being aborted after they were born or parroting factless and potentially dangerous rumors about Haitian immigrants abducting and eating pets.

The supposedly biased moderators also afforded Trump more speaking time than they did Harris, and they let him talk out of turn, muted mics rule be damned.

Trump lost because he was a rambling, unprepared buffoon, and Harris won because she was not. It’s that simple.


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